John Oyedemi, hailing from South Nigeria was born in 1966, resides and practises in Bukuru. Graduating from the Department of Fine Arts at the renowned Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. Oyedemi perceives art as a means for individuals to construct an alternative reality, offering a second perspective on existence through imagination.
Currently a lecturer at the University of Jos, his Durbar paintings illustrate "Padanci" in the Hausa language, vivid portraits of wealth and power.
He spent his early years in the market selling any item that could bring money, "it was an exciting moment in life with so many stories to tell today", he recalls.
He likes to combine the impasto colour technique for thematic analysis of the events, combined with an impressionist approach to his subjects, to bring the very essence of the moment to the fore. Over the last 25 years, he has expressed his passion for North Nigeria's scenery and royalties through his iconic equestrian and Durbar scenes.